Brandy is a class of spirits that is distilled from grape wine, the pomace left over from winemaking, or the fermented juice from other fruits. Most grape brandies are aged in oak, while the fruit and pomace brandies are unaged and clear.
Liqueurs, also known as cordials, are flavored spirits containing no less than 2.5% sugar by weight and prepared by mixing or redistilling any type of spirit with fruit, plants, or other natural substances.
Tequila is a spirit produced from the blue agave plant. Unlike other major spirit categories, tequila can only be made in a few designated areas in Mexico.
Vodka is generally known to be a neutral spirit made from any fermentable sugar, however, there are some exceptions when it is made in other countries.
Whiskey is a spirit made from a fermented mash of grain, distilled under 190 poof and stored in oak barrels before bottling at no less than 80 proof or 40% abv. (alcohol by volume). Whiskey must be made exclusively from grains, either as a single grain or a blend.